1957년 Canada Manitoba에서 출생, 자연과 동물을 사랑하던 그녀는 수의사가 되었고 틈틈히 배워왔던 악기들(하프/피아노/백파이프/기타)자유자재로 다뤄 1985년 그녀는 뮤지션으로 변신하게 되었고 2002년 Wilfrid Laurier University에서 명예 문학박사 학위 받음. 2003년 마니토바를 빛낸 인물로 빅토리아여왕으로부터 공로훈장(Order Of Manitoba)을 받음. 그녀는 음반, 공연수익금과 사재를 털어(우리돈 약40억) "깨끗한 환경지키기 재단"(Cook Rees Memorial Fund) "삼림과 야생동물보호협회"(Three Oak Foundation) 등에 기부함. 돈과 인기를 먹고 사는 오늘날의 사이비 엔터테이너들에게 경종을 울려주고 있다. 그녀의 영혼 만큼이나 목소리 또한 아름답다. 음원은 kbs 2FM(89.1 Mhz)에서 밤 2시부터 3시까지 방송되는 전영혁의 음악세계를 녹음하여 올렸습니다.
1. Elemental (85)
1. Blacksmith
2. She Moved Through The Fair
3. Stolen Child, The
4. Lark In The Clear Air, The
5. Carrighfergus
6. Kellswater
7. Banks Of Claudy, The
8. Come By The Hills
9. Lullaby
2. To Drive The Cold Winter Away (87)
1. In Praise Of Christmas
2. Seasons, The
3. King, The
4. Banquet Hall
5. Snow
6. Balulalow
7. Let Us The Infant Greet
8. Wexford Carol, The
9. Stockford Carol, The
10. Let All That Are To Mirth Inclined
3. Parallel Dreams (87)
1. Samain Night
2. Moon Cradle
3. Huron "Beltane" Fire Dance
4. Annachie Gordon
5. Standing Stones
6. Dickens' Dublin (The Palace)
7. Breaking The Silence
8. Ancient Pines
4. The Visit (91)
1. All Souls Night
2. Bonny Portmore
3. Between The Shadows
4. Lady Of Shalott, The
5. Greensleeves
6. Tango To Evora
7. Courtyard Lullaby
8. Old Ways, The
9. Cymbeline
5. The Mask & Mirror (94)
1. Mystic's Dream, The
2. Bonny Swans, The
3. Dark Night Of The Soul, The
4. Marrakesh Night Market
5. Full Circle
6. Santiago
7. Ce He Mise Le Ulaingt? The Two TreesBR>
8. Prospero's Speech
6. A Winter Garden (EP) (95)
1. Coventry Carol - (live)
2. God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen
3. Good King Wenceslas
4. Snow
5. Seeds Of Love
7. The Book Of Secrets (97)
1. Prologue
2. Mummers' Dance, The
3. Skellig
4. Marco Polo
5. Highwayman, The
6. La Serenissima
7. Night Ride Across The Caucasus
8. Dante's Prayer
8. Live In Paris & Toronto (99)
1. Prologue
2. Mummers' Dance, The
3. Skellig
4. Marco Polo
5. Highwayman, The
6. La Serenissima
7. Night Ride Across The Caucasus
8. Dante's Prayer
1. Mystic's Dream, The
2. Santiago
새가 페루에서 죽다 [http://blog.daum.net/zydeco]
선 곡 순 서
1. Seeds of Love (A Winter Garden)
2. La Serenissima (The Book of Secrets)
3. The Two Trees, with Ofra Harnoy(cello)
4. Greensleeves (The Visit)
5. Annachie Gordon (Parallel Dreams)
6. In Praise of Christmas (To Drive The Cold Winter Away)
7. Lullaby (Elemental)
8. The Highwayman/The Lady of Shalott (Live in Paris & Toronto)
O for a voice like thunder, and a tongue
To drown the throat of war! - When the senses
Are shaken, and the soul is driven to madness,
Who can stand? When the souls of the oppressed
Fight in the troubled air that rages, who can stand?
When the whirlwind of fury comes from the
Throne of God, when the frowns of his countenance
Drive the nations together, who can stand?
When Sin claps his broad wings over the battle,
And sails rejoicing in the flood of Death;
When souls are torn to everlasting fire,
And fiends of Hell rejoice upon the slain,
O who can stand? O who hath caused this?
O who can answer at the throne of God?
The Kings and Nobles of the Land have done it!
Hear it not, Heaven, thy Ministers have done it!
Poem by William Blake (1757-1827)
Music by Loreena McKennitt
From: Elemental (1985)