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음악 속으로../월드뮤직명곡

Mi Mou Thymonis Matia Mou







                                                        Title : George Dalaras & The Israel Philharmonic Orchestra

                                                        Year : 1999, Live at the Mann Auditorium


                                      Track Listings


                                                          1. Aspro Peristeri

                                                          2. Na Me Thymase

                                                          3. O Ouranos Fefgi Varis

                                                          4. Theos An Ine

                                                          5. San Ton Metanas                                                

                                                          6. Stin Arapia

                                                          7. Ta Prota Logia

                                                          8. Libertadores

                                                          9. Avre Tu Puerta Cerrada

                                                          10. Noches Noches

                                                          11. Yad Anouga

                                                          12. Shai

                                                          13. Mi Mou Thymonis Matia Mou(내사랑 화내지 말아요) 


'음악 속으로.. > 월드뮤직명곡' 카테고리의 다른 글

                                                     한주일에 두, 세곡씩 세계음악명곡을 듣는 게시판을 열었습니다.

                                                     첫번째로 그리스 출신의 요르고스 달라라스가 부르는 '내사랑 화내지 말아요' 입니다.

                                                     선곡은 제 취향입니다만 듣고 싶은 곡을 댓글로 남겨 주시면 음원이 확보되는 대로 올려 드립니다.


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