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음악 속으로../잉카의메아리

Atardecer (Before Dusk)

Andes Music World



Aconcagua - Magical Flutes From the Andes (1999)
▣ Track List

1. Alegria (Happy/Frohlich)
2. El Encuentro (I Meet With You/Zusammentreffen)
3. Paseando (Walking/Spaziergang)
4. Atardecer (Before Dusk/Vor de Dammerung)
5. Sensacion (Sensation/Gefuhl)
6. Lejania (Too Far Away/Zu Weit Weg)
7. Pasion (Passion/Leidenschaft)
8. Dos Pensiamentos (Two Thoughts/Zwei Gedanken)
9. Claro Como el Agua (Clear as Ater/Kalar Wie das Wasser)
10. Esperando (Waition/Warten)
11. Turbolencia (Turbulence/Turblenz)
12. Charquican (A Little Bit of Everything/Ein Bißchen Von Allem)
13. Bailamos? (Let's Dance/ Tanzen Wir?)
14. Llamandote (I'm Calling You/Ich Rufe Dich)
15. Lluvia (Rain/Regen)
16. El Adios (Good Bye/Leb' Wohl)

4. Atardecer (Before Dusk/Vor de Dammerung)
▣ 음반소개

남미의 다양한 팬파이프 연주를 수록하고 있는 앨범. 다재자능한 음악적 재능의 연주자, 파블로 카르카모가 만든 아콩카구아의 앨범입니다. 카르카모는 이 앨범에서 5종류의 인디언 플루트(케나, 핀킬로, 모세노 등)와 4종류의 팬파이프(시쿠, 잠포나, 잔카스 등)와 8종유의 민속 기타(차랑고, 콰트로, 티플 등)를 연주하며 다채로운 라틴 음악의 축제를 펼치고 있습니다. 안데스 산맥의 바람에 실려 들려오는 목동의 플루트 소리가 애틋하면서도 흥겨운 가락에 추위에 지친 몸을 잠시나마 뉘여 봅니다.

Aconcagua is the name of a musical project run by composer/arranger/conductor Pablo Carcamo. It specializes in the music of the Andes, crossing political borders to run the gamut of flutes, panpipes, and guitars that the region has to offer. Inti Illimani this group is not. Aconcagua does not so much use Andean music and let themselves be used by it. Even though they do employ a few modern Western instruments, like the guitar, bass, and accordion, these are almost inaudible in the mix. But while Aconcagua's authenticity is obviously good from one point of view, it becomes onerous from another, as their rhythms seldom vary, nor does their timbre.

There are exceptions to the rule. The piece "Lejania (Too Far Away)" begins with an echoey, breathy flute and continues with a fast-march pace that affords some variety. Another somewhat interesting number is "Dos Pensiamentos (Two Thoughts)," in which a too-short solo for the cuatro (small guitar) is followed by a too-long, flamenco-like solo for the Spanish guitar. But most of the tracks are the usual uninspired concatenation of huffing and strumming that is Andean music. If you're looking for Andean sounds with a bit more bounce, try Los Incas. ~ Kurt Keefner, All Music Guide
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